MusicCast virtual object configuration


The MusicCast object is used to integrate Yamaha speaker with the Grenton system using the GATE module.

Before integrating Yamaha speakers with the system, the speaker should be configured in the local network using dedicated application and read its assigned IP address.

To connect Yamaha speaker to system, create a new MusicCast virtual object:


Set the parameters in the Embedded features tab:

After sending the configuration, the Status feature should take the value 1. This is information about the correct connection of the speaker to the system.

Configuration parameters


HostMusicCast IP Address
UpdatePeriodState update period
StatusCommunication status:
0 - no connection,
1 - connected
ErrorCodeLast error code:
0 - no error,
negative values - negative HTTP status codes,
positive values - Yamaha Extended Control error codes
VolumeVolume level ranging from 0% to 100%
MuteMute state:
0 - Off,
1 - On
StatePlayback state:
1 - playing,
2 - stopped,
3 - paused
ShuffleShuffle mode:
1 - off,
2 - on,
3 - songs,
4 - albums
RepeatRepeat mode:
1 - off,
2 - one,
3 - all
PowerPower state:
0 - standby,
1 - on
AlbumArtAlbum art address
ObjectIDObject ID
ServerIDServer object ID
NameSpeaker name
RoleGrouped speaker role:
1 - not part of any group,
2 - client,
3 - server
InputInput source
AutoPowerStandbyAutoPowerStandby state:
0 - off,
1 - on


SetUpdatePeriodSets the state update period
SetVolumeSets the volume level, ranging from 0% to 100%
SetMuteSets the mute state
SetShuffleSets the shuffle mode
SetRepeatSets the repeat mode
SetPowerSets the power state
SetAutoPowerStandbySets the AutoPowerStandby state
PlayStarts playback
PausePauses playback
StopStops playback
NextSwitches to the next track
PrevSwitches to the previous track
VolumeUpIncreases the volume by a specified percentage
VolumeDownDecreases the volume by a specified percentage
SwitchMuteSwitches the mute state
SwitchPlaySwitches the playback state between paused and playing
DestroyGroupDestroys the current speaker group
JoinGroupJoins the speaker group specified by the ServerID
LeaveGroupLeaves the current speaker group
SetInputSets the input source


OnConnectedEvent executed after successful speaker connection establishment
OnDisconnectedEvent executed after the speaker connection has been lost
OnErrorEvent executed after an error has been detected
OnChangeEvent executed after a Volume, Mute, Artist, Title, State, Shuffle, Repeat, Power, AlbumArt, Input, AutoPowerStandby, ServerID, Role change occurs
OnMuteChangeEvent executed after a Mute change occurs
OnVolumeChangeEvent executed after a Volume change occurs
OnTitleChangeEvent executed after a Title change occurs
OnArtistChangeEvent executed after an Artist change occurs
OnStateChangeEvent executed after a State change occurs
OnShuffleChangeEvent executed after a Shuffle change occurs
OnRepeatChangeEvent executed after a Repeat change occurs
OnPowerChangeEvent executed after a Power change occurs
OnAlbumArtChangeEvent executed after an AlbumArt change occurs
OnInputChangeEvent executed after an Input change occurs
OnAutoPowerStandbyChangeEvent executed after an AutoPowerStandby change occurs
OnGroupChangeEvent executed after a group related state change occurs (ServerID, Role)