CoolMaster virtual objects configuration


The CoolMasterNet virtual object is used to integrate the Grenton system with CoolAutomation units (CoolMasterNet, CoolLinkHub) in order to control an air conditioner or a group of air conditioners.

To connect the CoolAutomation unit to the system, create a new CoolMasterNet virtual object:


Set the parameters in the Embedded features tab:

After sending the configuration, the Status feature should take the value of 1. This proves that the unit is correctly connected to the system.


The CoolMaster virtual object is used to control an air conditioner or a group of air conditioners. To use the object properly, you must first configure the CoolMasterNet virtual object.

Then create a new CoolMaster virtual object:


Set the parameters in the Embedded features tab:


After sending the configuration, the Status feature should take the value of 1 and the values of the other features should be loaded correctly.

Controlling multiple air conditioners with a single CoolMaster object

One CoolMaster object can work with multiple air conditioners connected to the same CoolAutomation unit. For this purpose, in the CoolMaster object in the UIDs feature, after the space, enter the following identifiers of the air conditioners:

Configuration parameters
CoolMasterNet object


| Name | Description | | --- | --- | | SN | CoolMasterNet unit serial number | | Host | CoolMasterNet unit address in form | | `UpdatePeriod` | State update period | | `Status` | Connection status:
0 - no connection,
1 - connected | | `ErrorCode` | CoolMasterNet last error code:
0 - no error,
1 - TCP connection error or HTTP error code | **METHODS** | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `SetUpdatePeriod` | Sets the state update period | | `TurnAllOn` | Turns on all the HVAC units | | `TurnAllOff` | Turns off all the HVAC units | **EVENT** | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `OnConnected` | Event occurring after successful CoolMasterNet connection establishment | | `OnDisconnected` | Event occurring after the CoolMasterNet connection has been lost | | `OnError` | Event occurring after an error has been detected | ###### CoolMaster object **FEATURES** | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `CoolMasterNetID` | CoolMasterNet object ID | | `UIDs` | One or more space-separated HVAC UIDs | | `SupportedModes` | List of supported operation modes separated by a comma | | `SupportedFanSpeeds` | List of supported fan speeds separated by a comma, entering "-" means no support | | `SupportedLouverPositions` | List of supported louver positions separated by a comma, entering "-" means no support | | `Status` | Connection status:
0 - no connection,
1 - connected | | `State` | Operation state:
1 - active,
0 - inactive,
"-" - state desynchronized | | `Mode` | Operation mode:
1 - cool,
2 - heat,
3 - fan,
4 - dry,
5 - auto,
"-" - state desynchronized | | `TargetTemp` | Target temperature
"-" - state desynchronized | | `FanSpeed` | Fan speed: 0-5,
5 - auto,
"-" - state desynchronized | | `LouverPosition` | Louver position:
0 - no support,
1 - auto,
2 - horizontal,
3 - 30°,
4 - 45°,
5 - 60°,
6 - vertical,
7 - stopped,
"-" - state desynchronized | | `AmbientTemp` | Ambient temperature or the average ambient temperature in case of a device group | | `FailureCode` | Failure code | **METHODS** | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `SetSupportedModes` | Sets the list of supported operation modes | | `SetSupportedFanSpeeds` | Sets the list of supported fan speeds | | `SetSupportedLouverPositions` | Sets the list of supported louver positions | | `SetState` | Sets the working status | | `SetMode` | Sets the operation mode | | `SetTargetTemp` | Sets the temperature setpoint | | `SetFanSpeed` | Sets the fan speed | | `SetLouverPosition` | Sets the louver position | | `TurnOn` | Turns on the HVAC unit or units in case of a device group | | `TurnOff` | Turns off the HVAC unit or units in case of a device group | | `SwitchMode` | Sets the next operation mode | **EVENTS** | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `OnConnected` | Event occurring after successful CoolMasterNet connection establishment | | `OnDisconnected` | Event occurring after the CoolMasterNet connection has been lost | | `OnChange` | Event executed after a change occurs on State, Mode, TargetTemp, FanSpeed or LouverPosition | | `OnModeChange` | Event executed after a Mode change occurs | | `OnTargetTempChange` | Event executed after a TargetTemp change occurs | | `OnFanSpeedChange` | Event executed after a FanSpeed change occurs | | `OnLouverPositionChange` | Event executed after a LouverPosition change occurs | | `OnTurnOn` | Event executed after the HVAC unit or group of units is turned on | | `OnTurnOff` | Event executed after the HVAC unit or group of units is turned off | | `OnFailure` | Event executed after detecting an error | | `OnDesynchronization` | Event executed after desynchronisation of the grouped HVAC units properties occurs |