Configuration of the Smart Panel v6

Configuration parameters

In the latest version of the Smart Panel v6 module, new configuration parameters have been introduced for such objects as:

The full list of changes introduced in the V6 version can be found in the release notes of the given version: Release Notes - Smart Panel module

New functionality
The mechanism of informing about incorrect configuration / entering to the Distributed Logic mode

A new functionality introduced with the v6 version is the mechanism of informing the user about a wrong configuration or entering to the Distributed Logic mode. This mechanism is based on the fact that the module waits about 10 seconds for receiving the configuration after sending it or restarting the system. After this time, the waiting period for configuration ends and the user will be informed about a misconfiguration or switching to Distributed Logic mode by one short and low beep.

Distributed Logic mode

Another functionality added to the latest version of the Smart Panel module is the Distributed Logic mode. It is available from version 6.1.8-2115 and higher. Detailed information on the configuration and operation of Distributed Logic is included later in the description.

Changing the UI and the mechanism of operation of Thermostats pages

The Smart Panel module in version v6 offers a refreshed UI of Thermostats websites, as well as new functions. The method of creating and configuring a page with the use of Thermostats type objects is the same as for the previous versions - see User Manual chapter 5.9. Creating a configuration using the Thermostats page object.

Thermostat UI change

The diagram below shows an overview the appearance of the refreshed thermostat on the Smart Panel screen. Several elements have changed:

New features on the Thermostats page

From version v6 of the Smart Panel module, new functionalities are available on the Thermostats page. It is related to the changes made to the UI of the thermostat.

Possibility to set your own icons

The first new functionality is the aforementioned possibility for the user to set their own icons in the upper left corner of the display. Their change is possible both through the SetObject_X_CustomIcon method as well as through the feature Object_X_CustomIcon. The width of the entered icon affects the "x" coordinate of the current temperature. The 64 x 32 pixel icons are allowed. If the icon width x > 64 is exceeded, only the icon itself will be drawn on the display - the UI of the thermostat will not be displayed - it is the so-called "big icon" mode. To go back to the thermostat interface, set an icon whose width does not exceed 64 pixels.

Ability to assign actions to new events

Another functionality introduced in the new version of the module is the ability to assign actions to new events OnThermXModeButtonClick, where X is the number of the thermostat on the page. This event is generated when the 'mode' button (upper left button) is clicked.


An example of configuration of new functionalities

Local thermostat configuration with operation change (heating / cooling) - the following objects are used to create this configuration:

The following screenshot shows the configuration of the PANEL_PAGE object and the Thermostat virtual object in the default setting, which is heating.


Configuration of the OnTherm1ModeButtonClick event:


Script script_change_mode() that changes the operating mode of the thermostat from heating to cooling and vice versa:


The above script in the text version:

if(CLU221000454->Thermostat->ControlDirection==0) then

Script script_heating() for changing the ControlDirection feature to a value responsible for heating, as well as changing the icon and selecting heating / cooling:


Script script_cooling() for changing the ControlDirection feature to the value responsible for cooling, as well as changing the icon and selecting heating / cooling:

Predefined button behavior
ButtonShort/long pressDescription of behavior
Top leftShort press (click)Generating an OnThermXModeButtonClick event, where X is the number of the thermostat on the page
Top leftLong press (hold)Change of the thermostat status: Off/On. In addition, it allows to switch from Manual mode to Auto mode
Top rightShort press (click)Go to the next thermostat on the page if there is more than one thermostat on the page
Go to the next page if there is only one thermostat on the page
Top rightLong press (hold)Go to the next page
Lower leftShort press (click)Reduction of the set temperature (PointValue) by 0.1 ° C, as well as changing the operating mode from Auto to Manual
Lower leftLong press (hold)Reducition of the set temperature (PointValue) - as long as the button is held down, as well as changing the operating mode from Auto to Manual
Lower rightShort press (click)Increasement of the set temperature (PointValue) by 0.1 ° C, as well as changing the operating mode from Auto to Manual
Lower rightLong press (hold)Increasement of the set temperature (PointValue) - as long as the button is held down, as well as changing the operating mode from Auto to Manual
Configuration of the Distributed Logic mode
Mode configuration for Smart Panel module

For Smart Panel module, the binding on the input takes place in the PANEL_PAGEx object. Before that, PANEL_PAGEx objects must be linked with the appropriate PANEL_BUTTONx objects by setting the appropriate values in the Object_x_Id field. If there is no connection to the CLU, in Distributed Logic mode all 16 buttons can work with the change of pages using gestures.

Operation of Distributed Logic between PANEL_PAGE with PANEL_BUTTON and output objects

Available actions while running in the Distributed Logic mode:

A. PANEL_PAGE with PANEL_BUTTON object set and DOUT objects
B. PANEL_PAGE with PANEL_BUTTON object set and DIMM objects
C. PANEL_PAGE with PANEL_BUTTON object set and LEDRGBW objects
D. PANEL_PAGE with PANEL_BUTTON object set and ROLLER_SHUTTER objects
Default Mode

If the value of the DistributedLogicGroup feature is set to 1 for a given object, it works in the Default Mode. This is a special operating mode set by default for each object:

Smart Panel module - controls all output modules (RELAY 4HP DIN, RELAY 2HP DIN, DIMMER MOSFET, ROLLER SHUTTER DIN) in TFBUS network, which are also in Default Mode, for example: