Smart Panel Firmware
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Version: 6.03.07 (build 2339)
Smart Panel FW version 6.03.07-2339 is supported by the CLU Z-Wave 2.0 FW version 5.08.01 (or higher). As the configuration tool there must be used Object Manager v1.4.1 (or higher).
Smart Panel FW version 6.03.07-2339 is supported by the CLU Z-Wave 2.0 FW version 5.08.01 (or higher). As the configuration tool there must be used Object Manager v1.4.1 (or higher).
v6.03.07 (build 2339)
16 October 2023
- Support for available variants of the Smart Panel module front (glass, wood, leather).
v6.01.08 (build 2115)
08 November 2021
- Support for DistributedLogic mode, that enables functioning of the Grenton Tf-Bus modules without the CLU control unit. The DistributedLogicGroupX parameter has been added to each of the 4 objects assigned to the page object (PANELPAGE). This parameter enables pairing sensor devices with actuator devices without the presence of CLU.
- The new DrawBox(x,y,w,h,color) method in the PANEL object, that draws a rectangle with specified color. Method is useful when clearing a change area displayed by the OLED. This avoids clearing the entire screen, and therefore is more efficient.
- The new Calibration feature in the PANELSENSTEMP object, that gives temperature calibration with a constant value from -10 to +10°C.
- The new OnDisplayOn/OnDisplayOff events in the PANEL object, that are generated when the OLED display is turned on and off.
- The new thermostat interface in the PANELPAGE object, that contains:
- Executing user action after a short press of the upper left "mode" button of Smart Panel. The new functionality generates the OnThermXModeButtonClick event.
- Displaying user icon in the upper left corner of the OLED using the SetObjectXCustomIcon(bmp) method and the ObjectXCustomIcon feature.
- The OFF/AUTO/MAN thermostat operating mode was moved before the set temperature.
- A long press of upper right "next" button or a short press in case just one thermostat is configured switches to the next page.
- The 2-pixels frame between the buttons has been removed. This makes it possible to display a big icon 128x64 (4 x 64x32) without the separation of the black cross in Button mode.
- The behavior of the FreeDraw page has been changed. The DisplayContent() method is automatically executed after a 2-second timeout has expired since the start of drawing. At the same time a low buzz sound is generated indicating a misconfiguration.
- Fixes in the area of displaying icons / button descriptions.
- Improved button responsiveness for configured icons.
- Fix in the OnProximityDetect event generation.
- The signaling of the lack of receiving the configuration from the CLU has been added. it is one beep after 10s from restarting the device.
Smart Panel FW version 6.01.08-2115 is supported by the CLU Z-Wave 2.0 FW version 5.08.01 (or higher). As the configuration tool there must be used Object Manager v1.4.1 (or higher).
Smart Panel FW version 6.01.08-2115 is supported by the CLU Z-Wave 2.0 FW version 5.08.01 (or higher). As the configuration tool there must be used Object Manager v1.4.1 (or higher).
Due to the renaming of the following events, the actions added to them will be removed when assigning active modules to inactive ones: PANELBUTTON object – the name of the OnChange event has been changed to OnValueChange; PANELSENSTEMP / PANELSENSLIGHT object – OnChange, OnRaiseValue, OnLowerValue event names have been changed to OnValueChange, OnValueRise and OnValueLower.
Due to the renaming of the following events, the actions added to them will be removed when assigning active modules to inactive ones: PANELBUTTON object – the name of the OnChange event has been changed to OnValueChange; PANELSENSTEMP / PANELSENSLIGHT object – OnChange, OnRaiseValue, OnLowerValue event names have been changed to OnValueChange, OnValueRise and OnValueLower.
v4.03.04 (build 1910)
01 April 2019
- The new object PANEL_PAGE – The object provides the new way of pages configuration. Its capability is to handle up to four independent pages on which it can be found sixteen Buttons or Thermostats total. Possible page modes: Buttons, FreeDraw, Thermostats, Inactive.
- The ability to combine singular buttons into one bigger – using the new Panel_Page object in Buttons/FreeDraw mode, there is possibility of button connection into the big one (2,3 or 4 units).
- Configuration of gesture recognition – There is an ability of detection plane configuration (GestureMode: Off, Vertical, Horizontal, Both) and detection sensitivity (GestureSens: Low, Mid, High).
- SetBeep – the new method in Panel object generates tones.
- SetPageNr/PageNr – the new method/feature in Panel object that changes demanded page (nr.: 1, 2, 3, 4).
- SetPageDisplayMode/PageDisplayMode – the new method/feature in Panel object allows choosing the way of page changing:
- ShowImmediately (0) – pages change is done immediately without any page introduction,
- ShowIconOrName (1) – pages change is preceded by displaying a page name or a page icon (feature PageName in Panel_Page object),
- ShowGesture (2) – pages change is preceded by displaying a gesture name (LEFT/RIGHT) or a gesture icon stored in Panel object features GestureIconLeft and GestureIconRight.
- SetButtonsLEDMode/ButtonsLEDMode – the new method/feature in Panel object that sets the way of buttons location with a very weak LED light (OFF, ON, ON just for Active buttons).
- SetPageControlMode/PageControlMode – the new method/feature in Panel object that defines the trigger of pages change:
- Command (0) – pages change via methods SetNextPage and SetPrevPage,
- Gesture/Command (1) – pages change via gestures or methods SetNextPage and SetPrevPage.
- SetGestureDisplayMode/GestureDisplayMode – the new method/feature in Panel object that enables/disables gestures notification on the OLED screen.
- SetNextPage – the new method in the Panel object that allows you to move to the next page in configuration.
- SetPrevPage – the new method in Panel object that allows you to move to the previous one page in configuration.
- Draw – the new method in Panel object that requests redraw the OLED screen content.
- OnPageChange – the new event in Panel object occurs after page change.
- RedLedSwitchOn – the new method in Panel_Button object lights that enable the red LED on.
- For backward compatibility all pages in Panel_Page objects are Inactive by default.
- The configuration ability of “Locked” mode signaling with the red LED is turned off by default.
- Bugs fixed:
- The functioning of the bistable buttons has been fixed while lack of “IconB” feature.
The Smart Panel with firmware version 04.03.04 works only with CLU not older then CLU Z-Wave firmware version 04.07.49 (1912) and application Object Manager version 1.2.1-1902.
The Smart Panel with firmware version 04.03.04 works only with CLU not older then CLU Z-Wave firmware version 04.07.49 (1912) and application Object Manager version 1.2.1-1902.